Optimizing Brains with Protein

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Opt Brains Image.png

Optimizing Brains with Protein


We all have times when we want to feel better. This handout gives you the tools to do a basic 3-day experiment to see if the fatigue, anxiety, insomnia, or irritation are related to glucose supply and are a physiological reaction indicating that you are not adequately fueling your body and brain for the situation.

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This handout addresses the physical causes of anxiety, fatigue, agitation, insomnia and sugar cravings. It explains the way your body reacts to the different fuels, or foods, you consume throughout the day. Instead of addressing food in terms of calories or fat content, we are going to examine dietary choices from the perspective of brain optimization. The goal is to give you an understanding of how your food-based fuel choices can help your body and brain remain energetic and clear.  This handout is best used with the video explaining the physiology.