All blog posts from Dr. Allott are provided for educational and informational purposes only. As Dr. Allott is also a licensed medical practitioner, we must make it clear that nothing on the blog is intended to constitute medical advice, consultation, recommendation, diagnosis, or treatment. If you are concerned about your health, please seek appropriate care in your area.

Recommendations from the November 2016 Connector's Group

(1) If you have a robust inner critic and want more curiosity and creativity, check out this very thin but robust book called Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind by Shunryu Suzuki. It is a great book for learning to be in charge of the chatty brain. 


(2) Shannon Rude is a massage therapist in Seattle WA and a student of Kate Bowman, both of their websites are worth following. Shannon teaches individuals and group classes in the Seattle area. If you want a new way of relating to how your body moves, I suggest following their blogs and connect with Shannon when you are in Seattle.