All blog posts from Dr. Allott are provided for educational and informational purposes only. As Dr. Allott is also a licensed medical practitioner, we must make it clear that nothing on the blog is intended to constitute medical advice, consultation, recommendation, diagnosis, or treatment. If you are concerned about your health, please seek appropriate care in your area.

Getting enough protein as a vegetarian or vegan

This video talks about how vegetarians and vegans can get enough protein and be at their best.

  • 0:00 Intro

  • 0:21 How much protein do I need? (here’s a link to the Huberman Lab podcast referenced)

  • 1:39 Challenges with getting enough protein

  • 4:43 Sources of protein

  • 6:37 Protein powders

  • 7:10 Sample menu

  • 8:22 Glucose curves with different types of food

  • 9:16 Continuous Glucose Monitors as a tool

We're working on creating short educational videos this year and would love your feedback and topic suggestions!

Continuous Glucose Monitors and Mood

This video talks about how glucose levels impact mood, focus, and fatigue - and shows an example of what hypoglycemia looks like on a continuous glucose monitor. Learn more at

We're working on short videos this year and would love your feedback and suggestions for topics!

Favorite YouTube Videos for Health

Ten years ago when I opened my practice in Seattle, there were very few books that I could refer to my patients for reading–save a few nutritional physiology textbooks.  There is still no comprehensive book that I can suggest.  However, there are numerous books that are worth reading for individuals who struggle with anxiety, depression, sugar cravings, and weight gain.

One resource that our society had not developed ten years ago, but have at our fingertips today is YouTube.  I have selected four videos from four different authors worth knowing and reading.  Plan on investing a few minutes with each You Tube or video presentation.  You may find one strikes your interests more than the others.  That’s the place to start reading for valuable information.  I hope that you find them useful.

Once Upon a Time...

There lived a 42-year old woman.  For the benefit of the story, I’ll call her Martha.  Three years ago, Martha’s husband died in a tragic head-on auto accident.  The death of her husband and father of two teenagers came so abruptly and finally that Martha and her children didn’t have a moment to prepare for living without him.

In the numbing aftermath, Martha has managed to downsize the family’s housing and increase her income a little bit, while dealing with her own and her children’s grief and anger.  With her daughter and son in their beds most evenings, Martha’s “my time” ritual of drinking a glass or two of wine seemed to have momentarily eased the stress and the emptiness, giving her a time to just be alone.

Now, three years later, Martha has gained 40 pounds and has begun taking anti-depressant medication prescribed to her by a therapist that she has been seeing since her husband’s death.  She is restless.  Because she was tired of “just getting” by on multiple fronts of her life, her therapist referred Martha to me.  In the introduction conversation we shared, Martha confessed that she was no longer active.  She had not continued cycling, which she and her husband loved doing together. “I’m too young to just shut down my life!”

The first thing that Martha and I did was to review what’s happening with her physically.  She rated her energy as 3-4 on a 10-point scale.

Secondly, we found that she was not sleeping through the night.  Frequently, she reported waking up every two hours, worrying about the future, and regretting the past over and over again.

Thirdly, we explored incidents of anxiety.  Martha repeatedly became anxious while doing things she has done in the past.  At the same time, she couldn’t seem to make herself volunteer for new projects at work. Realizing that fact, she worries about keeping her job.

Fourthly, she also brought up the disappointment in herself for gaining those 40 pounds.  She began eating only two meals daily, thinking that would help her lose weight.  I explained how important it is for her to eat small frequent meals to curb her brain’s anxiety.

After I informed Martha about how the brain and body function and how food choices contribute to fatigue, insomnia, and weight gain, we created achievable changes in her food routine. The next time we rated her energy on that 10-point scale, she rated it at 7!  New foods and eating habits brought about less anxiety and sleeping through the night for Martha.  Now we had a basic foundation from which to build.

Next, we did a robust blood panel, more thorough than her primary physician had done.  This step allowed me to check for nutrient intake, asking the question: Does Martha eat enough of the right things to make healthy quantities of dopamine and serotonin in the body?  Are there minerals and vitamins present that make dopamine and serotonin?  I used strict standards of health to evaluate for nutritional deficiencies.  With that analysis, I recommended options for Martha’s continued health improvement and prevention of long-term diseases, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Several months into the process, I couldn’t help but notice that Martha started more new things in her life than I suggested — things such as participating in outdoor activities and joining E-Harmony.  Now that Martha possesses more energy and less anxiety, she has the will to explore new possibilities and to begin another chapter of her life. 

Personal details of Martha’s story have been altered to protect the confidentiality of the patient.  The story is nonetheless true.  Fatigue, insomnia, anxiety and weight gain are common to many patients, who come to see me.  But, life doesn’t have to be lived that way.  Individual evaluations of nutritional health, screenings, and personal care plans can make an enormous difference in one’s quality and fullness of life.

Our Best Worksheets for Staying in Your Responsive Brain


Maintaining our Power Supplies is especially important - and can be especially challenging - during stressful times. But staying in the smart responsive-cortex part of our brains helps us make responsive, proactive choices rather than reactive, fearful ones. It also helps us relate to ourselves and those around us with compassion, understanding that we each have different tolerance levels and abilities to cope with upheaval in our lives.

With this in mind, we want to share a collection of our best worksheets and tools to help you stay in your smart responsive-cortex brain:

  • Monitoring Power Supply

  • 3-Day Experiment for More Energy and Mental Clarity: Protein Every 3 Hours

  • Ideas for Increasing Protein

  • Increasing Protein in Vegetarian and Vegan Diets

  • Steps to Evaluating Food labels

  • 30 Days to More Energy and Mental Clarity

  • Supporting Employee Safety and Wellbeing During COVID-19

And here’s a link to a previous post with three other favorite worksheets.

If you would like to learn ways of using these handouts in story form, check out Mica’s story.

Is this the Diet for Me? Is it for you?



There is a lot of information on the internet and from our friends and family about new diets to try. There are systems such as weight watchers, Nutrisystem, and 30/10. There are diets that tend to be based on values: vegetarian, vegan, and paleo. There are also styles of diet, like the Mediterranean Diet and DASH; and there are diets based on convenience. Then we also factor in things like culture, economics, family traditions, personal preferences, personal health history, time in life, gender, exercise pattern and age. How do we know what is “right” for us?

So from the start, we can say that every diet is personal to the individual. What works for us when we’re 20 years old may not work for us when we have kids, a different job, or a change in where we live. “Diet” is not a box we stay in for life, it’s a dynamic choice that we make every day.

I want to start a discussion on how to know if your diet is working for you and if you make a change in your diet, how (and when) do you know that it’s a going to work for you.

One step that people often miss is considering their intention for your diet. It seems so obvious, but we actually use our diet for lots of things: to nourish our ourselves, for entertainment, to connect to family and friends, to drug ourselves in to a sugar coma, to manage our emotions, to celebrate. If we change our diet, we may be trying to change our intention about what our diet will do for us.

I believe the main goal of any diet, 80% of the time, should be nourishment, and to provide long-term and short-term health and mental clarity. Then, 20% is for celebration and connection. It’s natural to use food to manage our emotions - it works so well - but we should be working to diversify our options to self soothe.

What does it mean to have a diet that nourishes our bodies? It’s important to protect our power supply. This means that we need to meet our basic nutritional needs: Are we getting enough amino acid/protein, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals, and – importantly - is there diversity in what we’re eating?


When we make changes to our diets, we should have a sense of how the nutrient content might also be changing, and how the body will respond to that change. Our bodies work hard to maintain homeostasis. If we cut our calories, the body’s natural response is to slow the metabolic rate. This is why quick weight loss diets fail: cutting significantly back on calories signals that there is famine (which means we need to hold on to our fat stores), and it also exposes our brains to stress hormones which makes us anxious, irritable or not present to our daily lives, particularly if we have a history of trauma.

Social Interactions


Eating food together is an ancient way of interacting. Depending on our jobs, families, and economics, we have more or less ability to be in control of what we eat. When we are changing our diets, we need to consider the impact our new diet will have on our ability to engage in social events. We also need to understand and be prepared to advocate for our dietary needs. Another way of thinking about this is how we can be responsible for our own choices, so that other don’t have to guess at what we need. We also need to have clear plans in place to handle holidays and special events, so that we can still enjoy the social aspects without having our diets derailed.

Personal History

In my clinical office, I often work with individuals who have significant trauma histories in their childhoods. An amazing study on the impact of Adverse Childhood Events (ACEs) shows that individuals who have had a number of traumatic events in childhood are at risk for chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity. These disease risks can be lowered by our diet choices in adulthood. It’s helpful for individuals with trauma histories to have clear intentions for their diets. Restrictive diets rarely work, because the restrictions often get tangled up with feelings of being deprived. Instead, changing to a diet where they notice that they feel better (in their bodies and minds), and occasionally testing if a new routine is helpful, seems to be more effective because part of recovering from trauma is choice. Being forced - even by one’s own self - is just another trauma.

Shallow end, Deep end

Some people wade into pools from the shallow end and some just jump into the deep end. Generally, if you are going to jump all in to a radical diet change it is worth having some outside support, or a way of reflecting back an accurate picture of how the change in diet is affecting you.

What skills do you need to change your diet? How do you know if it’s working for you, and when should you check back in with yourself to be sure that it continues to meet your intentions? What if your needs or intentions change?

Listen to or watch the Connectors Group webinar - and download the handout to help you assess whether a diet is a good fit for you.

Not Hungry in the Morning?


You or someone you know may not be eating breakfast. "I’m just not hungry." Or you have breakfast when you get to work – 2 hours later. Just to be clear, breakfast is the meal that breaks the sleep fast, and your body expects to receive food within one hour of waking. 

Why would someone not be hungry in the morning? It’s not because you ate a big meal in the evening. I know when I have my Thanksgiving meal at noon; I am hungry again before bed. 

So why don’t you feel hungry when you wake up? If your glucose (brain fuel) level dropped too low while you were sleeping, your liver would have already received the signal to deliver a cocktail of hormones that tells the body to make fuel for the brain – and part of the cocktail is adrenaline. When adrenaline is in the system, we tend not to feel hungry. Historically, adrenaline signaled that someone or something was trying to hurt us and we should run; running and eating are not tightly wired together. 

Clinically, the short-term consequences of skipping breakfast happen about 8 hours later. You might be fatigued, and your lizard brain takes charge. This increases the likelihood that you will overeat, have more alcohol before or at dinner than planned, and have passive evenings.

What are the long-term consequences of skipping breakfast?  When we skip breakfast, we set up a cascade of stress hormones that are working to maintain our fuel supply. The most recent studies suggest that not eating breakfast causes:

  • increased calorie intake during the day,

  • Increased stress/inflammatory hormones, such as cortisol and insulin,

  • increased weight gain and adipose tissue/body fat,

  • increased cholesterol and blood pressure, and

  • increased cardiovascular disease.

What to do about the fact that you just don’t feel hungry? Typically, a quarter cup of fruit juice or some other quick-acting sugar, such as a teaspoon of honey, will get your body to send the hunger signal within 20 minutes. Then, you can have breakfast. For the people who are not eating because they are jumping out of bed to go to work, try putting a protein shake in the refrigerator the night before so you can grab it on your way out in the morning. If you do this for about a week, you might find that your hunger signal kicks in more easily in the mornings. 

Do you skip breakfast? Try the experiment of starting your day with food that has protein (14-20 grams) + carbs + fiber + fat. This Shortcuts post has some ideas for breakfast. Observe the following changes:

  • less anxiety, irritation, and agitation in the mornings

  • more energy and mental clarity in the day

  • less overdoing intake of sugar, alcohol, or snacking 8 hours after waking

  • better sleep

  • increased ability to participate in after-work activities that are important to you.

Tell us about your experience on the Dynamic Paths Facebook page or add a comment to our blog. 

Eat to Support Sleep

This month we are discussing how to improve sleep. Eating protein before bed can help with nightmares, night terrors and night waking.

But what kind of protein and how much?

If we look at the Optimizing Brains Chart (page 2), we see that 3 ounces (about the size of a deck of cards) of any kind of meat or fish is about 20 grams of protein, which is roughly what a person can absorb and muscle can use in an hour.

For sleep we may not need that much. I suggest starting with 2 ounces (not quite a deck of cards), or 10-12 grams of meat or fish protein. I usually just have people have meat without anything else.  For vegetarian sources, 2 tablespoons of nut butter, or ½ cup of quinoa or cottage cheese often does the trick.

Do you "sheet cake"?

I laughed pretty hard when I watched Tina Fey's sheet caking skit on SNL's Weekend Update. It perfectly captured the way many of us (at least from time to time) use sugar to calm our anxiety.

The physiology that explains why this works can be found here, but in short: the sugar in sheet cake gives us a readily available glucose source that tells our lizard brains that everything is going to be ok.

What's missing from the skit is the ensuing sugar crash, which can leave us feeling even worse than before.

For a longer-lasting fix to calm anxiety, eat your favorite source of protein first. Then go ahead and indulge in that sheet cake if you still want it. I'm guessing the speed at which you eat - and the quantity you eat - will be less than without the protein. By focusing on adding protein with carbs,  mostly complex carbs but sometimes sheet cakes, you can avoid the sugar hangover and not let the stress of the night before move with you into the next day. 

Addressing the Physical Causes of Anxiety

In February-March of this year I held a live online 3-part training Addressing the Physical Causes of Anxiety. We work with our anxiety and other people’s anxiety all the time. Anxiety can create challenges at work or within our family. We know what questions to ask about what makes us emotionally anxious; but what if part of the cause of our anxiety or the anxiety of the people around us is physical?

The recorded webinars and handouts from the three sessions is now available:

  1. Naming and Taming Anxiety

  2. Eating to Reduce Anxiety

  3. What to Ask Your Doctor

Everyone who purchases this program will receive updated materials and will be able to interact with me about this content, by email, through 2017.

Based on the key educational points that I review with my individual clients, this content represents a value over $700. Your cost for the full online training package: $150

5-Step Eating Plan for Loving the Holidays

We are entering one of the seasons characteristically rich with gatherings, celebrations, gift giving and receiving, seeing old and new friends, good cheer, deadlines and stress.  That’s a great deal for any of us to handle, much less handle well.

Hopefully, a few fairly simple tips will ease the way for your greater enjoyment of this holiday season. It is certainly my intent to do away with the added pounds as well as the torture and guilt that frequently accompany unanticipated holiday eating.

Try following these tips and you’ll love the holidays even more than expected:

1. Take a few minutes to plan with your calendar of the scheduled holiday events in hand.  Mark those days with a star, where you anticipate higher than usual calorie eating. (We’ll call these Holly-days.)  Star your calendar. After every Holly-day, have 3 high protein, good nutrition days.

2. No matter how busy these days may get, make sure you get 7-8 hours of sleep daily. Four days of sleep deprivation will increase sugar cravings.

3. Walk at least 10 minutes a day, preferably in the mornings. Walk perhaps a few more minutes on the mornings you are anticipating the possibility of binge eating.

4. Throughout the holidays, focus on eating high-protein foods, not carbohydrates.

5. Post two full days of healthy and satisfying meals (2 breakfasts, 2 lunches and 2 dinner meals) in a prominent spot in your kitchen or on the refrigerator. Purchase the necessary ingredients so they are at your fingertips.

When life alters your plan, and it will, pick yourself up and move on, still loving the holidays. “Start overs” are allowed.